
Saturday, 5 April 2014

My Novel

The No Plot No Problem kit says to share excerpts of my story from time to time, but to never say what it's about and not to let anyone read the whole thing. 
    Here's just a random bit that I typed yesterday. 

    "A few more people said a hello to Becky and it was so nice to see her, and “how are you?”s were shared. Most of the other people there, Savannah noted, were borderline elderly. Does Becky really have so few friends that she has to spend time with these guys?  Savannah pondered. And every one seemed like they knew Becky; calling her by name.
                “Becky? Why do all those people know you?” She asked straight out on their walk home. “They are all kind of old and, well, boring.”
                “Froggy. Age makes no difference at all. It only decides who is supposed to leave this earth first. Older people have so much knowledge, and stories, locked up in their head. The best things I've learned in life I learned from those 'old' people in there." 

      I'll post another little piece in a few days or so. 

I am doing very well. Yesterday I typed 1,000 words over my daily goal of 1,667 words. It's a good thing to because today I'm just not feeling it. It must be that sunshine through the window, finally melting all that snow. Plus it doesn't help that I was digging through my garden books; I'm itching to plant things! 

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