
Thursday, 25 July 2013


The last week of last month we went to mass to pick up my Grandmother Dee and Uncle Luke and all eight of us drove to Tennessee to pick up two puppies! We made a lot of stops on the way and had a great week! we went through eleven states. New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Verginia, Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Tennessee. We went to the Louisville slugger factory, drove around Lexington Kentucky. We saw many of the film sights from the movie Dreamer. and we went to the Creation Museum. That was without doubt the coolest museum in the world! I'd highly recommend it!
Look familiar? 
They had a petting zoo there with a zorse and a zonkey (zebra crosses with horses and donkeys) 
And they had Camels...I RODE A CAMEL! It was Awesome! 


And we finally made it to Tennessee and picked up our puppies! Lexie and Rain. Rain is Forestt's and Lexie is the Family's 
The puppies are full sisters with Sadie, the dog we lost. They have been so much fun. We Love having dogs in the house again. And yes it's been a little hectic. But they are worth every second. and no I don't enjoy cleaning there messes up off the floor but id rather clean it than not having a dog again. And I can't wait to start agility training again. They've got a little growing to do before that first. They turned 9 weeks old Wednesday. 

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