
Friday, 19 February 2016

Update and Due Dates

I think it's about time for a blog update! I have not been active online at all in the past many months.
We have MOVED! We are all very excited to be in our new home, but moving in and becoming organized has been a slow process. But it's happening! We are now on a beautiful piece of land with 54 acres to explore. I can barely wait for all the adventures that will happen here. 

I have bred all my does (I currently have 6 does) and they will be Due in May. The buck this year is TinyHillFarm's Karl Hungus. He's a creamy, blue eyed cutie! I'm expecting to have some really adorable kids in the spring!

Due dates are:

Pippi: May 12
Faye: May 17
Laura: May 21
Margaret: May 21
Matilda: May 31
Lacey: May 21

I think it's safe to say that I will be very busy in May. 

On a separate note, there is a litter of 13 Weimaraner puppies in the house right now! They will be ready to go to new homes in 3 to 4 weeks. If you are interested or want more information please contact me. Or if you know anyone who would be, pass the word around. They are super cute and fantastic family dogs!